Longwood Gardens 🌹🪷

On Sunday, Gayle and Woody took me to the most beautiful place in Baltimore - The Longwood Gardens.

This is the place where you want to go and take your mind off things, it did that for me! It was like therapy. I was having the most amazing time walking around the park.

When I walked through the visitor centre and into the park, I was shocked at how pretty the park was!

This park goes on forever! This park was first built in 1906, by a famous gardener of Baltimore named Pierre - this park has increased its size decade by decade. At the moment they are building a big massive extension of the greenhouse. I have never seen a greenhouse this massive before - I thought it was going to be a small one but nope...

To remember the memories of this park, I had some photos taken of myself, and with Gayle and Woody because I had the most amazing time with them!

And there was a treehouse...

In these beautiful gardens, there was a treehouse that I was in love with and I would love to buy it there, It is the most peaceful place where I would love to stay! The details of the treehouse were so beautiful and could not take my eyes off it.

More treehouse photos...

More pictures of the garden on the way back to the car...


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